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Diagnosis of fault circuit by modularized BP neural network based on fault propagation
HE Chun, LI Qi, WU Ranghao, LIU Bangxin
Journal of Computer Applications    2018, 38 (2): 602-609.   DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2017061516
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It is difficult to diagnose the faults of large-scale digital-analog hybrid circuit because it has numerous fault modes, the circuit failure status is complex and can be propagated easily. To solve these problems, a new failure diagnosis method, namely Modularized Back Propagation (BP) neural network based on Fault Propagation (MBPFP), was proposed. Firstly, fault propagation between subcircuits was analyzed on the basis of circuit module division, and failure source and transmission source were modularized. Secondly, the set of fault causes was narrowed and the fault module was determined by the anomaly detection model of subcircuit in 1-order positioning. Finally, the fault location was realized and the fault mode was identified by the BP neural network of target module in 2-order positioning. The experimental results show that compared with the traditional BP neural network method, the proposed MBPFP method has a high fault coverage and the accuracy is improved by at least 8 percentage points, which is outperforms the traditional method based on BP neural network.
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